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Angel Numbers :: Repeating Numbers :: Number Patterns. Here's what they're telling you...

Believe in signs?

Been asking for one?

The universe works in subtle ways at times (others, not so much)

Number patters are one of the most commonly experienced forms of synchronicity, when you notice a particular number sequence recurring for you, pay attention, the universe is trying to get your attention.

You may see the clock right at 1:23 for days in a row, glance at your phone at 11:11, or perhaps your groceries add up to $22.22 at the register...any number seen repetitively can be significant, because every number has a specific meaning.

Here's a quick reference guide for what these numbers showing up in your life mean:

0 - The Divine

You are closely connected with your universal energies and you know how to work them into your life.

If you have been feeling uncertain about moving on and starting over, the Universe is telling you that this is the best time to do it.

1 | 11:11 | 111 - The intuition

You're Attracting Everything That Matches Your Energetic Vibration!

This number is encouraging you to keep following your spirit! You're on the right path if you are seeing this number, pay attention to your gut instincts. Keep your thoughts in alignment with your dreams and intentions for the future, and release any doubt or nervous energy into the light. 11 is a powerful number of dreams, intuitive illumination, and connection with Spirit.

2 | 2:22 | 2222 - The Right One

Right place, right time. TRUST in what you want, think about what you would like, refrain from thinking about what you don't want when you see this number. Success is in the air. Stay patient, aware, and present the ideas that you’ve seeded in your mind are ready to grow and become your new reality.

The meaning of 222 is that of new beginnings, a new cycle of expansion. If you feel good about the seeds that you’ve planted, you'll soon discover the upward growth of your creations.

3 | 3:33 | 3333 - The Equilibrium

Check the facts as you progress towards your goals, but also remember to trust your strong intuitive guidance and direct link with the ascended masters too. You are powerfully supported in mastering your life lessons and helping those around you to do the same.

4 | 4:44 | 4444 - The Protection

The Universe and your guides are with you, they are guiding you and protecting you. pay attention to your thoughts and your environment when you see this number.

The number 4 is a number often associated with the physical world, balance of pairs, and manifestation.

The path you are on is the right path - keep moving forward!

5 | 55 | 5:55 - The Change

Brace yourself because your life is about to change!

These numbers carry the amplified vibrations of life choices and personal freedom, so prepare to experience growth and transition like never before.

6 | 66 | 666 - The Step Back

there is an imbalance in your life and your thoughts are not aligned with the Universe. Seeing 666 is a wake-up call for you to re-examine your current situation and change the direction of your thoughts so you can raise your vibration to a more positive frequency.

7 | 777 - The Inner Strength

An indication that you are ready to grow spiritually. Release your fears, acknowledge your best traits and use them to bring love, light, and life to your own life and to others.

Know that you deserve everything you’re getting right now. Because of your perseverance and positive efforts, everything is coming to fruition.

8 | 888 - The Balance

You are in harmony with the universe, you are living in the flow of abundance! You are the artist in your life so be intentional in the life you want to create.

9 | 99 | 999 - The Culmination

a sign to let you know that some parts of your life are coming to an end and completion. The strong urge you feel is Destiny trying to steer you to the right course. Trust that the Universe is in the process of directing you to the right path that was designed just for your life mission. When you follow your urges, you will be lead to your destined success.

12:12 - The Momentum

Number 1 is all about the manifestation or realization of your dreams and goals, while number 2 symbolizes harmony and intuition. But, it also means having a positive approach to life while persevering and being patient.

In this sense, seeing 1212 repetitively means that, if you continue to focus on your dreams with a positive approach (believing they will manifest) even in the face of difficulty and challenges, you will make your wishes come true. Basically, you can create your desired reality by focusing on your intentions, or the power of thought.

If you are seeing one number repeated multiple times (1111) , the meaning of that one number is amplified, if you are seeing multiple numbers in repetition (123), you can apply all numbers meanings to your situation, OR you can add the numbers together to see what they add up to (1+2+3=6)


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